Question Taq

If the statement is positive , then the taq is negative.
If the statement is negative , then the taq positive.

              I’m a Student  ,               aren’t you?
(the statement is positive)    (the taq is negative.)

             I’m not a student ,                are you?
(the statement is positive)    (the taq is negative.)

Untuk pertanyaan/kalimat I am itu Questin taqnya harus Aren’t.

For Example:

  1. I’m a student. Aren’t? 
  2. He works in post office , doesn’t He? 
  3. I’m not a farmer, are I? 
  4. He came to your home, didn’t He? 
  5. She never come to late, doesn’t She? 
  6. Mr. Aris and Mrs. Erna have a daughter, haven’t they? 
  7. My father can swim well, can’t he? She has a dolphin, hasn’t she? 
  8. She can work in Surabaya, can’t she?

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