Conditional Sentence

Conditional Sentence

If Clause. Main Clause.

Clause kalimat yang mempunyai S + P (sentence)

For example:

1. If clause

If my father goes to Surabaya.

2. Main Clause

I will play football

Bila digabungkan
if my father goes to Surabaya, I will play football.

Biru: If Clause
Merah : main Clause

Jika main clause didepan maka (,) tidak berlaku.

For example:
I will play football if my father goes to Surabaya.

Type 1
Jika menggunkan Simple Present maka:

If + S + V1    ,     S + Will + V1
------------           ---------------
If Clause                Main Clause

For example:
If my father goes to Surabaya, I will play football

Type 2
Jika menggunakan siple past tense maka:

If + S + V2    ,     S + Would + V2
------------           ---------------
If Clause               Main Clause

For example:
If my father went to Surabaya, I would Play Football.

Type 3
Jika menggunkan past perfect

If + S + had + V3    ,     S + Would+ have +V3
------------                            ---------------
If Clause                              Main Clause

For example:
If my father had went to Surabaya, I would have sleep all day.

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