Simpel Present Tense

  1. Habitual Action
  2.  General Truth (Kebenaran umum)

Pattern :

S +V1(es/s) + O
S + do/does + not + V1 + O
Do / does + S + V1 + O

Akhiran s/es digunakan untuk subject She, He, It, nama orang.
For example:
      +    She writes a letter
-         She doesn’t writes a letter
?    Does she write a letter ?

I, You, They, We →  menggunakan Do
He, She, It , nama orang → menggunakan Does

Change into negative and introgative!
1.       My mother cooks rice at the kitchen
-My mother doesn’t cooks rice at the kitchen
? Does My mother cooks rice at the kitchen ?.

2.      Father goes to Surabaya by bus
- Father doesn’t goes to Surabaya by bus
? Does Father  goes to Surabaya by bus ?.

3.      You send me a card
- You don’t send me a card
? Dou You send me a card ? .

4.      They speak english
- They don’t speak English
? Do They speak English ? .

5.      Two boys buy a book at the bookstore
-Two boys don’t buy a book at the bookstore
? Do Two boys buy a book at the bookstore ?

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